Links & Contact
You can help by writing to your local State MP, or starting a website or social media page!
In the meantime, check out these great links.
Standard Time
For Australia
Global Links:
Europe: Abolition of Daylight Saving announced as 84% want to stop changing the clock
UK: The Campaign for Real Time
US: Study showing daylight saving lowers stock market performance
US: Poll shows 75% want to stop clock changes
American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends permanent standard time
WA: Daylight saving worsened energy consumption during trial
Latest News:
Ukraine cancels daylight saving
Kazakhstan sets clocks back one hour for health and economy
Mexico abolishes daylight saving
Fiji and Samoa to remain on standard time this summer
Jordan, Iran, and Syria abolish daylight saving
US is heading towards fixed time zones
​​Yukon abolishes the clock-change
Brazil scraps daylight saving time
European Parliament votes to abolish the clock change
​Morrocco implements fixed year-round time zone
Turkey adopts fixed year-round time zone
Russia returns to permanent standard time
Contact Us
The aim of this website is to get people excited about the benefits of Standard Time.
The author is a businessman who has worked interstate and overseas, and has noticed the inefficiency of our current time zone system.
Ensure you contact us with your ideas and opinions!